Although forest fires do occur as natural disturbances in the forest ecosystem, ober 85 % of them in Austria are caused by human activity. In addition meteorological conditions are changing inmany areas due to climate change. Drought and higher temperatures increase the risk of forest fires.
To prevent forest fires the following rules must be followed:
• No smoking in the forest!
• Do not light fires in the forest!
• Be careful with traditional bonfires in the surroundings of forests, such as Easter and midsummer bonfires and especially fireworks!
• Pay attention to official bans when there is a risk of forest fires!
• Report forest fires to the local fire brigade immediately - telephone number 122!
In 2013 a forest fire broke out in the area of the "Mahdlgupf" via ferrata. The fighting of the fire lasted 3 days (volunteer fire departments, Austrian Armed Forces).
Fighting forest fires in steep mountainous terrain is a special challenge! The protective effect of the forest is also in danger - with long-term effects!